Harvey Ingram Owston is a legal advisory and consultancy firm. The firm offers corporate, commercial, e-commerce, dispute resolution, employment, property, and personal solutions. The commercial solution focuses on supply, distribution and agency agreements, trading terms and conditions, intellectual property, consumer credit competition law, marketing and promotional agreements, pensions banking housing associations, and construction. E-commerce includes website and intranet development agreements, website terms and conditions, on-line security and payment, domain name protection, privacy policies, computer misuse and hacking, software licensing, facilities management, disaster recovery services confidentiality agreements data protection information management e-mail, Internet and software policies, on-line marketing, and merchandise licenses. The corporate solution focuses on private equity deals acquisitions, disposals corporate re-organizations, shareholder agreements, public company takeovers, insolvency, turnaround, reconstruction, and finance. Harvey Ingram is headquartered in Leicester, Leicestershire. As of July 16, 2012, Harvey Ingram Borneos operates as a subsidiary of Shakespeares Putsmans.
Corporate Address
20 New Walk Leicester, LE1 6TX United Kingdom
United Kingdom
44 11 6254 5454
Finance and Corporate Banking Services, Corporate and Investment Banking Services, Bank Securities, Banking Markets, Personal Loans, Private Banking Services