FlexJobs Corporation provides telecommuting, part-time, and freelance job search services. It offers account management, accounting and finance, administrative, advertising and pr, art and creative, bilingual, business development, call center, commission-only, communications, computer and it, consulting, customer service, data entry, editing, education and training, engineering, entertainment and media, entrepreneurial, entry-level, environmental and green, event planning, executive management, and fashion and beauty jobs. The company also provides food and beverage, government and politics, graphic design, holiday and seasonal, house and family, HR and recruiting, human services, insurance, international, Internet and ecommerce, internships, legal, manager, marketing, math and economics, medical and health, mortgage and real estate, news and journalism, nonprofit and philanthropy, project management, research, retail, sales, science, sports and fitness, telemarketing, theater, transcription, translation, travel and hospitality, Web and software development, Web design, and writing jobs. FlexJobs Corporation was founded in 2007 and is based in Boulder, Colorado.
Corporate Address
1630A 30th Street Suite 425 Boulder, CO80301 United States of America
United States of America
Corporate Research, Consulting Research, Company Research Services, Market Research and Consulting, Business Research, Management Research, Management Consulting and Research, Market Research