Association Management Solutions, Inc. provides management advice, service, and solutions for community associations. It offers administrative services, such as maintaining association records, collecting and recording payment of dues and assessments, handling association mailings, paying association bills, maintaining association insurance, managing association employees and subcontractors, and other general administrative services; and financial services, including preparing annual budget and monthly financial reports, maintaining association banking requirements and association financial records, assisting in reserve analysis, employing CPA services, and providing other financial needs of the association. The company also provides management services, such as scheduling board of directors meetings, preparing board meeting agendas, attending and administering board and annual association meetings, preparing and distributing board meeting minutes, assisting board in understanding association governing documents, advising on association issues, mediation and conflict resolution, and employing legal representation, as well as providing assistance with resolutions, amendments, and committee activities; and on site management services, including inspecting properties, preparing association service contracts, supervising association subcontractors, managing special projects, and assisting with enforcement of association CC&R's. In addition, the company offers community promotion services, such as preparing and distributing association newsletters and directory, designing and printing community brochures, and providing association promotion on Website; and technology services. Association Management Solutions is based in Lake Wylie, South Carolina.
Corporate Address
248 Latitude Lane Suite 102 Lake Wylie, SC29710 United States of America
United States of America
Bank Management, Banking Insurance, Banking Financial Services